
Showing posts from March, 2022

Pilihan Menteri Besar Johor Adalah Peranan Tunggal KDYMM Sultan Johor

Kemenangan besar Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam Pilihan Raya Negeri Johor pada Sabtu lepas telah menunjukkan bahawa rakyat telah kembali percaya terhadap pimpinan BN dan UMNO setelah mengharungi kegagalan demi kegagalan kerajaan Perikatan Nasional dan Pakatan Harapan sebelumnya. Sudah tentunya BN kini berasa yakin dan positif akan peluangnya dalam Pilihanraya Umum Ke-15 kelak. Namun begitu, adakah BN kini berasa ia lebih berkuasa dari institusi diraja sehingga hanya mencadangkan hanya satu nama untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai calon Menteri Besar? Nampaknya mereka telah lupa akan bidang kuasa dan peranan KDYMM Sultan Johor yang termaktub dalam Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Johor 1895, Perkara 3 di mana ia menyatakan bidang kuasa melantik seorang Menteri Besar adalah di bawah peranan Sultan Johor. Dalam hal pelantikan Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi sebagai Menteri Besar Johor ke-19, ianya selaras dengan apa yang dinyatakan dalam Perlembagaan Johor. Keangkuhan BN dalam cubaan mereka menolak pelan

Syed Saddiq’s False Bravado

Syed Saddiq puts on a brave front to the public, part of his public appeal. After all, politicians willing to stand up for what they believe in are far in between at this point. Yet for all of the bravado, many were no doubt surprised that Saddiq had decided not run for the Johor state elections – despite sabre rattling and planning to build a coalition without PH partners, PKR. This is nothing new for Saddiq, after all, he will take a big game and fail to follow through when it counts the most. For example during the 2021 Budget vote in Parliament – spent the much of the week rallying against the government, stating that they should allocate the budget fairly. When it came down to it, he simply sat down and did not stand up to support the motion for a bloc voting to pass the 2021 Budget – and did not join the 13 MPs Opposition MPs in ultimately rejecting it at its policy stage. His apology? “I cannot speak on behalf of the other MPs, but I personally believe, in hindsight, that what h